Sergio de Araujo Costa
Graduated gemologist by GIA-Gemological Institute of America, specialist in rough and polished diamonds, colorless and “fancy colors”, with more than 32 years of experience in identification, classification, graduation and appraisal of gems and antique and contemporary jewels.
Harvard Business School – GIA: Global Leadership Program, in Carlsbad, USA.
Provides advice to investors, dealers, designers and jewelers.
Provides advice to antique dealers, gemstone resellers, and industry entities.
Expert of the Judge accredited by the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro since 2012. Holds a degree in Civil Engineering from UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – for four decades. CREA-RJ 1981120801
Professional experience
Founding partner of ABGA – Brazilian Association of Gemologists and Gemstone and Jewelry Appraisers. Gemologist specialized in rough and cut diamonds, also in rare stones.
Member of DiamanRio Diamantes, sorting, polishing, identifying and evaluating diamonds, gemstones and jewels from 1984 to 2010.
Gemologist from the IRS based at Galeão International Airport (GIG – Rio de Janeiro /Tom Jobim) – identifying, classifying and evaluating gems and jewels imported and exported for two years.
Expert of the Court of Justice of the state of Rio de Janeiro in Gemology and Civil Engineering.
Participation in Events
Gemological Symposium and Gemological Research Congress promoted by GIA in San Diego in the United States.
International Colored Gemstone Association – ICA Congress Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
World Symposium promoted by ABGA – Brazilian Association of Gemologists and Appraisers of Gems and Jewels in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.
Jewelry, Gems and Watches Trade Shows in Basel, Switzerland. This Show is the largest in the World.
Gemstones Show in Kopenhagen in Denmark. Recognized as the largest Gems Show in Scandinavia.
Gems Show in Tucson, United States. Considered the largest in the world.
Antique Jewelery Show, Gemstones Show and Contemporary Jewelery Show in Las Vegas. All three happen simultaneously and are the most important in the United States.
Antique Jewelry Show in Miami, United States.
Contemporary Jewelery Show in New York, United States.
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